Monday, January 29, 2007

So much for that idea

So much for my whole "boring year" plan. I think I must have jinxed myself. Only 5 days after writing that last post I found out (drum roll please) that I am pregnant! I know that sounds like really exciting news but seeing as we weren't exactly planning this big event, it has taken a teensy bit longer than usual to come to terms with the idea. You see, I can do math, and there is no possible way I could be pregnant. And so when I finally HAD to test, I bought a CVS brand pregnancy test. It was $12 for 2 tests. The cheapest available, because, you know, I wasn't going to spend money to get a negative reading. If I had the slightest inkling that a little digital readout would say "pregnant" I would have splurged and got the EPT. So there I am, sitting in the bathroom, looking at this little stick and saying out loud "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME." I hadn't even told Pat that I was taking the test, so then I had to figure out how to let him in on the good news. I figured that since I just had the shock of my life, I would go ahead and let him have one too. So I slipped on the cap, cleaned it up, and took the little tester up to him. He was calmly sitting at his computer, doing something financial, I think. I just said, "Hey, what'cha doin?" And then "I have something to show you". So after the shock wore off, he said he needed a drink, which was COMPLETELY unfair, because I had wanted one too. But none of that for me. No, it is 7 more months of Welches Sparkling Grape Juice. A fine substitute for Pinot Grigio, don't you think?

Lucky for me, I have had nearly no nausea. I sometimes feel a little funny in the morning if I don't eat right away and I let it go too long this morning, but even then, I didn't get sick. A couple crackers and I am good to go. I have been so hungry. And a little on the tired side. Katie is going to start to think that it is normal for me to fall asleep with her every time she has to lay down for a nap, or go to bed at night. Pat usually wakes me after 30-45 minutes and I let him know if I want to get up or go back to sleep.

Anyway, now that we are used to the idea of a new family member, we are pretty excited. The due date is September 9th. We told Katie last week. She is VERY excited and says that the baby "Needs to be a boy. Because we have 2 girls in our house but only 1 boy". I guess it is important for universal peace that we have gender even-ness in our household? Secretly (or not-so-secretly, since I am posting this on a blog) I hope it is a girl. But as I have always said, we don't get to choose so I guess that part really doesn't matter.

I did fulfill the part of my resolution where I said I wouldn't go anywhere. I haven't traveled since the Holidays and it has been very nice, although I have to admit I've been kind of lazy. I probably get more done around the house when I'm stressed and have no time, because it is January 29 and my Nativity set is still up. The tree is down, but there are decorations everywhere. I keep saying, "maybe tomorrow" but it doesn't happen.

Pat started school this month and seems to like it so far. He has been studying a lot and I haven't heard much complaining so I'm taking that as a good sign. He also started working last week--doing contract work for a company some friends started up years ago. It seems like a good match because they needed someone with Pat's experience to work part-time, and Pat wanted to only work Part-time while in school. Finding part time work as an Engineer is difficult, so I am hoping this works out. Plans to move to Austin are on hold for the time being--I need to keep my job for the medical insurance for our family, and the FMLA time off for me when the baby comes. And long term, I think we may still move there, but it won't likely be this year.

I won't get to ski in Durango this weekend. Any of you who know me well can guess that this is like a dream come true. I can sit and scrapbook and read novels all weekend. Pat will be skiing, of course, and we already had Katie signed up for her first lessons, and she can't wait to go, so we'll let her enjoy that.

Maybe boring isn't so great after all. A baby adventure! What fun

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Resolutions

I want 2007 to be a boring year. Yes, boring. I am hoping to just go to work every day, enjoy family time on the evenings and weekends, and keep travel to a bare minimum. Yes, that includes trips to Austin and San Antonio. Anyone who spends time with our family knows that we are never, ever home., especially on the weekends. But not in 2007. There will be no family illnesses that cause bedrest or frequent trips to the doctor (Well, I hope that for everyone!). No one will lose their job due to crappy bosses who make promises they can't keep. No home improvments with companies demanding more money than contracted. None of that. Just plain old boring life. I might get hooked on a TV show or something. Maybe our 2 years of filing will get completed. Maybe Katie and I will enjoy our love for crafts and make a bunch of stuff to give at Christmas next year (ok, maybe I'm going overboard). 2006 tired me out. I want to have energy. Lose weight--sure, Get more exercise--sure, but most of all I just want to spend time with Pat & Katie.

In the past, I have had the attitude that we should do everything. If invited to do something fun or go somewhere new, I always wanted to do it. After all, you only live once...and all that. However, I guess I have come to realize that it comes with the price of never having time to settle down and enjoy our home and each other. We leave on Friday nights...come home on Sunday afternoon, and spend the rest of the day catching up on laundry, running to get groceries, paying bills, and getting ready for the week ahead. It will be nice to spread that out over 2 days instead of doing it all in 5 hours.

I said it in my Christmas letter--we are never, ever bored. But maybe it will be good to be bored. Especially if bored means what we did this past Sunday. The weather was incredible - 60 degrees and sunny. We let Katie ride her tricycle around the block. She shouted "ACORN ALERT" whenever we came across acorns on the sidewalk (which was approximately every 6-10 feet). Pat and I dutifully picked them up for her and later lined them up on the kitchen windowsill. We played basketball and "Monkey in the Middle. We made homemade pizza and Pat cooked it on the grill. Katie & I drew with chalk on the driveway. I tried to teach her how to hopscotch. More practice is needed ;). This stuff, I realize, is not boring. It is home. It is life. We enjoyed every minute. Someday I'll post the photos on my Snapfish album so you can see what fun we had!

So that is my New Year's Resolution. To stay home and be bored.

Did I tell you we are headed for Durango, Colorado in a few weeks? :)