Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Resolutions

I want 2007 to be a boring year. Yes, boring. I am hoping to just go to work every day, enjoy family time on the evenings and weekends, and keep travel to a bare minimum. Yes, that includes trips to Austin and San Antonio. Anyone who spends time with our family knows that we are never, ever home., especially on the weekends. But not in 2007. There will be no family illnesses that cause bedrest or frequent trips to the doctor (Well, I hope that for everyone!). No one will lose their job due to crappy bosses who make promises they can't keep. No home improvments with companies demanding more money than contracted. None of that. Just plain old boring life. I might get hooked on a TV show or something. Maybe our 2 years of filing will get completed. Maybe Katie and I will enjoy our love for crafts and make a bunch of stuff to give at Christmas next year (ok, maybe I'm going overboard). 2006 tired me out. I want to have energy. Lose weight--sure, Get more exercise--sure, but most of all I just want to spend time with Pat & Katie.

In the past, I have had the attitude that we should do everything. If invited to do something fun or go somewhere new, I always wanted to do it. After all, you only live once...and all that. However, I guess I have come to realize that it comes with the price of never having time to settle down and enjoy our home and each other. We leave on Friday nights...come home on Sunday afternoon, and spend the rest of the day catching up on laundry, running to get groceries, paying bills, and getting ready for the week ahead. It will be nice to spread that out over 2 days instead of doing it all in 5 hours.

I said it in my Christmas letter--we are never, ever bored. But maybe it will be good to be bored. Especially if bored means what we did this past Sunday. The weather was incredible - 60 degrees and sunny. We let Katie ride her tricycle around the block. She shouted "ACORN ALERT" whenever we came across acorns on the sidewalk (which was approximately every 6-10 feet). Pat and I dutifully picked them up for her and later lined them up on the kitchen windowsill. We played basketball and "Monkey in the Middle. We made homemade pizza and Pat cooked it on the grill. Katie & I drew with chalk on the driveway. I tried to teach her how to hopscotch. More practice is needed ;). This stuff, I realize, is not boring. It is home. It is life. We enjoyed every minute. Someday I'll post the photos on my Snapfish album so you can see what fun we had!

So that is my New Year's Resolution. To stay home and be bored.

Did I tell you we are headed for Durango, Colorado in a few weeks? :)


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