Monday, April 09, 2007


Well, it is finally Springtime. As usual, I haven't written in a while, so I have a lot to catch up on.

My pregnancy is moving along nice and smoothly. For those of you who remember, my pregnancy with Katie was anything but uneventful, and I had 2 months of bedrest to contend with in 2003. This time has been almost problem free. I had bleeding again at 8 weeks but the problem solved itself--like it was supposed to last time. I am already at 18 weeks -- almost the halfway mark--and will have an ultrasound this week. Hopefully, "little one" will cooperate and let us know exactly who is going to join our family. Everyone keeps asking me if I have any inkling what it is. Yes, I do...a boy or a girl. My initial thoughts about wanting a girl have morphed into a state of "whatever we have is fine".

I barely remember February and March. Seriously--aside from going to work every day, I think I slept through 2 months straight. I'm glad that the 1st trimester fatigue is over--I seem to have a lot more energy just in the last couple weeks.

Katie is very excited about the prospect of a new sibling. She has, on occasion, insisted that she is having a brother. One night I was rocking her and I told her that she COULD have a sister--that we don't get to choose--and all of that. She thought for a minute and said, "Well, it's ok if it is a girl. Then the next baby can be a boy and the next baby can be a boy". Hopefully she isn't going to hold her breath. I'm feeling kind of old already...I don't think baby 3 & 4 will be a reality for us!

Katie has also told me that she "isn't going to want me to play with the baby" and makes comments that "this baby will be daddy's baby to take care of". We could be in for some trouble..

The Durango trip was nice. Katie loved skiing. I think she was on skis only an hour a day for 3 days. One of the days, her little daily report card said, "Best in class". We didn't check to see if that was written on every child's report, preferring to think that she is a skiing natural. (Taking after her dad, of course--not me!)

We've finally started getting some of our housework done in preparation for the family addition. We have moved our office to our (former) formal living room, and we are preparing to get started on Katie's big-girl room. We have been informed that it will be pink, with polka-dots. I was kind of wondering how I would do polka dots but we found an ad for some big dot "wall stickers" that supposedly we can get at Lowes, so I have high hopes that those will work out better than me trying to stencil dots on a wall. Last time I started a painting project, Katie was 1, and I set out to paint a little table & chair set for her. The table and 2 chairs were completed about 6 months later. The other two chairs are still in the garage. They are primed and ready to go, so if anyone wants a weekend project, just let me know ;). Needless to say, I'm not exactly a do-it-yourselfer.

Our good friends Charles & Donna have decided to build a house in Sugar Land and began the process of moving this weekend. It is so sad for all of us, as it was so much fun to have our close friends living in our subdivision. Donna and I had a garage sale last weekend and despite the tornado warnings and hail, as well as annoying people from our homeowners association who were taking down our signs (which they had no right to do), we managed to make quite a bit of money and sold a lot of stuff, too! On the bright side, some other friends, Robb & Janelle, have decided to buy Charles' & Donna's house, so we will still have friends in the neighborhood.

Mom & Dad came down to visit us last week, and while it was short, it was lots of fun. I took a couple days off work and Mom & I got to go to Old Town Spring and get a little shopping done. Katie loved playing with Grandma and Grandpa, and insisted on Grandma helping her with everything, and I have to admit that I enjoyed the break. "Grandma needs to help you? Oh darn...." On Good Friday, Pat, Katie & I went to San Antonio to spend Easter with his family, which was also lots of fun. Normally in Houston, Easter is a warm holiday with lots of outdoor activity. This year, however, was the exception. On Saturday it rained all day and the thermometer on my car read 37 most of the day. Today was nicer...but Wednesday and Thursday it should be 87. Winter coats one day...shorts the next!

Michelle should have her baby next week--scheduled for the 19th. I can't wait to meet my newest niece. I do have quite a nice collection. It's kind of fun to go shopping and "need" to buy for every little girl size from 9 months to 5 years!

Pat and I are taking Katie to Orlando for Vacation next month. We just told her last night. She understands that we are going to Disney World but really doesn't know what exactly it means. She had a great time at the Rodeo Carnival in March so I think she's going to have a great time.

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Hope everyone is doing well. Drop me a line when you can! (